Monday, April 18, 2011

Aquarian's strong point


An Aquarian rather use his or her brain than body. They hate routines and want they are always looking for variety. However, they make good long distance runners. In addition, they will do well in some exotic marital art training or working out with a trainer who is willing to exercise their brain as well as body. Perseverance is an Aquarian's strong point as they are highly unpredictable. However, they need to realize that body also has needs that must be fulfilled if they want to lead a long and healthy life.

We have some very special days coming up with a New Moon, the Chinese New Year and the Year of the Tiger starting, as well as St. Valentine's Day ~ celebrating love and connection.

In Western Astrology this week is all about the energies of Aquarius with five Planets in this innovative sign. If you remember the song from the musical Hair: "This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius", you know that Aquarians are such original thinkers, revolutionaries and nonconformists that they reshape the world for the better. They are not interested in how things have always been, but in a world of freedom and equality for all. They always have their eye on the future, not on the past. The cultural revolution of the 1960s and 70s epitomized the Aquarian need to rebel against the established order and bring forth a new vision. I loved that musical as a child! It was somehow mysterious and uplifting, that was all I was caring about.

Aquarius is the elevens sign in the unfolding of the zodiac. It is thought of as masculine and representing the element air even if it is depicted as woman carrying water. That might seem weird at first glance. But Water is associated with nurturing, and Aquarians are fundamentally nurturing humanitarians, with a deep interest in and genuine concern for other people. They readily volunteer their time to service organizations of humanitarian interests because they truly care.

Get ready for a new orientation within your mind (Mercury), some impatience (Moon), and new ideas about who you could be in your highest potential (Sun), open for new healing technology or a new angle for your personal well being or healing (Chiron) and deepen your feelings of oneness and connection with life and others (Neptune). This is a handful to digest and obviously this will last longer then a week, just consider it as a kick off into a longer period of encountering the Aquarian Spirit inside of you. You can take advantage by aligning yourself consciously with this flow and find that rebel inside of you. Think about where your life has gone stagnant and needs some shaking up...

You can read the following information as a weekly forecast or you can use the descriptions of the different astrological information independently because they describe astrological wisdom beyond the actual time quality of the moment.

These are the specific constellations for this week:

o Mercury sails into Aquarius with a quincunx to Jupiter

o Mercury opposition Mars

o Venus enters into Pisces

o New Moon in Aquarius

o Sun, Chiron and Neptune conjunction in Aquarius

o Moon in Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius

Uranus Rules Aquarius

Uranus rules Aquarius and, with Saturn, the 11th House (Friends & Vision) and enacts the Aquarian values and qualities in his outrageous, unrestrained ways. In the body Uranus rules the nervous system, mental disorders, and pituitary gland.

While of course order and balance are important in the world, the other side of that coin, change and evolution into greater love, freedom, and well-being for all, is just as important. Human society could not evolve and expand unless there are individuals who challenge the established order. We need them! Uranus is a progressive humanitarian and visionary who has no special respect for authority whatsoever; he exerts his will over authority in his idealistic quest for freedom, justice, and opportunity for weaker members of society.

Uranus is the opposite of Brother Saturn: where Saturn is concerned with limitations, Uranus rules our expansive, creative intelligence, calling us to inspired thought and action, and to uniqueness rather than conformity. Those qualities derive from our connection with the universal intelligence. Change is a keyword for Uranus, always change for the better, and the faster the better, toward an expanded life and the higher realms of consciousness. The Uranus principles describe our greatest leaders and role models.

As you can see, Uranus and Saturn make a strong couple and somehow belong together in their seemingly opposing roles.

The Big T-Square

It sounds a like the Big Bang and some people expect it to act a little like that. We are in the middle of some serious shaking up of the old which will continue throughout this year.

And of course our friend Uranus as well as Saturn is involved in the so called T-square which is much talked about in the astrological community because of its wide reaching implications for our present time of change. The opposition of Saturn with Uranus is happening five times between November 08 and July 2010 and is activated by a square with Pluto into the T-square 3 times between November 2009 and August 2010.

There is a global impact of all this which shows as a major cultural turning point, challenge and start into an unraveling of structures in our society we all have dreaded since the financial markets meltdown started and the economy started to fall apart on us. But there is also a very personal impact each one of us is facing as an individual and we are called to action with adjustments in our personal lives and this week is a good week to get more in alignment with it.

Mercury Sails into Aquarius with a Quincunx to Jupiter

Uranus and Aquarius are representing a very strong intellect, and intellect combined with ingenuity makes for great discoveries in the sciences and the most impressive artistic creations. But with Mercury settling into the very intellectual and detached sign of Aquarius we could end up with "turning into brilliant but cold blooded Mr. Spook" as astrologer Jeff Jawer put it. If it wouldn't be for Jupiter's optimism and the loving Venus making her new home in Pisces, we might get lost in the righteousness of the overall revolution and kill off our own children and bright future as it happened in the French Revolution which was ending in a big blood shed of everybody killing everybody.

Uranus is not for sissies and can get easily carried away thinking the end justifies the means.

Mercury in Aquarius in Opposition to Mars in Leo

The Mercury Mars opposition can fuel the impatience of the New Moon and make us more easily frustrated, irritated or angry then usual. But their connection also carries the potential of immediate action and implementation of new ideas. The solution can be found where Aquarius and Leo meet in the balance of the ego need for self gratification, applause and admiration of Leo with the integration of considering others, the bigger group, family, or society of Aquarius.

Venus Enters into Pisces

Venus, the goddess of love is exalted in Pisces which means she feels quiet at home in the all encompassing, transcending sign of Pisces. Loving Venus smooths the raw edges of the week with all the impatient Aquarian energy and helps us to keep an inner contact with what life really is about, our inner connection with all that is, life in all its forms. Venus in Pisces points us towards our vision and dreams of oneness and true love and that is the first necessary step to ever get there. I love this quote by Abraham-Hicks: "Sometimes people say, 'Well, Abraham, shouldn't I face reality?' We say, no, you never do that! Never face reality unless it is perfect in every way."

This is for sure different then what I have been brought up with. But think about it. Nothing ever has been created without the idea or vision first. Every house had a blueprint and architectural plan first before it was built. How can you expect to ever live a fuller, more satisfying life in any way if you don't allow yourself to dream about it first and then take action steps towards it? The trick with the manifestation business is to keep your attention on the vision and not get hung up on the missing of the manifestation which has not happened yet. Be patient in the constant flow of unfolding and endless creation process you will never be done with. You might as well enjoy the journey and keep your eyes on the prize. And use any excuse to be happy and feel joy along the way.

New Moon in Aquarius

The New Moon each month is traditionally a magical time when the old ends and the new is ready to emerge. It is a time to go inside and take a look back at your month and how it has been for you and from your realization to envision your next month cycle. I think of the New Moon space a little like the New Year resolutions. The New Moon is on Saturday and you might be able to make the time to sit with your journal and do your inner work. Write down your wishes and where you want to go, have or achieve this coming month. Be specific.

When I do vision work I use a crystal to store my visions into and keep it on my altar or I meditate with the stone. It works as an anchor, multiplies and strengthens the energy of my visions and keeps me more focused and grounded with it. If you like to read up on exactly how to use crystal quartz for manifesting your dreams I have written more articles about that.

The New Moon in Aquarius might make us more impatient then usual. My natal Moon is in Aquarius so I will be especially in tune with this New Moon. I am planning accordingly and will have time with my girl friends doing some fun stuff together. We will go dancing and then have a spa day with infra red sauna, steam and hot tub, just the thing to do with your heart sisters.

Cleansing and preparing yourself physically as well as emotionally and psychically honors the spirit of the New Moon.

Sun, Chiron and Neptune Conjunction in Aquarius

This conjunction widens our horizon again to include others into our considerations, feeling part of something bigger then our own little individuality and ego. We can find satisfaction and fulfillment in being a useful and contributing member of the circle of friends we move in, the people we work with, or society. We can heal the estrangement and anxieties we might have with groups and learn to relate to our community in a new way.

I am looking forward to hear how you spend your New Moon and Valentine's Day. I hope you enjoyed the article, have a wonderful inspired week, aloha and many blessings, Shakti.

Zodiac sign tattoos fit the purpose of getting a tat and that is to express one's personality. That is why, its one of the most sought after designs as it can boost the wearer's character and appearance. Moreover, they can be delicately expressed just with the simple glyphs and symbols and message can easily be delivered across.

In this article, we will be briefly discussing the fixed signs of the zodiac namely Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These signs love to be challenged and they usually produce or achieve something on their own. The first sign, Taurus is symbolized by a bull which generally represents strength. It can be tattooed using its glyph which is a circle with two horns on the top to imitate that of a bull. Its color is light pink and the stone is emerald which can also be great ideas for designs. Leo is the most extroverted and dominant of all the astrological signs. They can be rendered as a tattoo through the animal lion itself which is its symbol. The glyph is likened to the mane of the lion or is seen as to represent the two valves of the heart. If you are looking for simple tat art but has dramatic impact, the glyph of the Leo sign is an awesome idea.

Scorpion tattoos are usually presented through its symbol the Scorpio. They are known to be intense in their emotions and has creative nature. On the negative side, they can sometimes be secretive and mysterious. Aquarius tattoo designs can be re depicted through the archer carrying a pitcher of water or through its glyph which is water waves. Aquarius basic characteristics are their being independent and unconventional. All of these zodiac sign tattoos can be tattooed either in colored or in plain black. The glyphs are usually tattooed on a smaller scale so they would look fitting on areas of the body like the wrist, foot, arm or ankle.

Aquarius Traits according to astrology is not without fault, however a woman's sign does share some light as to what type of personality they have. If you're looking to woo your woman according to their traits then this information will help you out. Find out how your woman's sign affects their relationships.

Aquarius Woman Traits show that these women are filled with paradoxes. By far the most unpredictable sign in the zodiac. She will have inconsistency and confusion in her life. Other traits are:

? Detached and unemotional

? Loves her freedom

? Hums to a different tune

? Very loyal to those close to her

? Position and power is what she seeks

? Strong will power

? Aquarius woman are intense

? She is subtle and unassuming

? You will not always know where her mind is

? Aquarius woman's minds are unpredictable

? They set high standards for themselves

? Sensitive, intellectual, honest, direct and caring of those close to her

? Needs her space Aquarius Woman is to not be possessive or jealous

? This woman can come in two forms: either shy, sensitive, gentle and patient or exuberant, lively and exhibitionist

? Dry humor

? These women have a wide array of interests

? Can lack self confidence on the inside but not show it on the out

? Electrifying personalities that attract people to them

? Original, inventive and loves fighting for a cause

? Aquarius women loves to host and attend parties

? Helps others in need

? Independent and loves to travel

? Favorite pastime is dreaming and planning for the future

? Stubbornness can cause them to fail

? Witty, clever, concise and logical

? Aquarius don't make close friends easily

? Like to shock and deviate from the norm

? Aquarius women can be very moody

? They like to think big and can make them happen, however they need an assistant to deal with the mundane tasks

? Aquarius are steady income earners

? Very progressive

Aquarius Relationships

Having a relationship with an Aquarius is a roller coaster ride however you will never be bored. If you try to tie one down you will end up the looser.

Aquarius Woman traits in a relationship are:

? Don't bind her and she will love you more for it

? Aquarius relationships are with true and honest people

? Trusts her lover completely

? Aquarius women are turned off by suspicion, possessiveness and criticism.

? If she is unhappy in a relationship then she will split

? Out of sight out of mind attitude

? If she has an affair she will end it quickly

? Always honest

? Getting an Aquarius to marry is difficult

? These women are able to leave a relationship easily due to boredom

? Once married they will be committed and faithful

? If Aquarius women feel a relationship is worth the effort then they will work hard to preserve it

? Very loving and caring mothers

? Needs to be treated with respect

? Don't smother

? Aquarius women needs love and attention

? They enjoy innovative sex

? They are attracted to intelligent partners

? Usually marry late and divorces are rare

? She will marry someone who is her friend first so she can watch how they behave

? Communication is the key to her heart

? Witty verbal battle is another way to spark her interest

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