Saturday, December 4, 2010

"Free Blackberrys"

Free Blackberrys

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wine Of Roses

“Rosehip oil is the first secret of bewitching skin --- consider it wine for your face.”

Seduce the Goddess in you by applying to your face the costly drops of rosehip oil, and be truly glad that you have discovered the opulence of the rose. Its petals bring to you not only passionately feminine fragrance, in the form of essential oil, but also soothing rose water to ease dry skin, and rose hip oil, which restores the vivaciousness of youthful skin.

Purchase a glass bottle of purest quality rosehip oil and glide it over your face two or three times a day over freshly washed skin. Refrain from applying cosmetics for a while if possible and encourage your mind to relax into beauty. At this same time you might wish to indulge further by using the essential oil as an emotional restorer and the rose water as a gentle lift for the complexion.

Blend almond oil with a few drops of rose and one drop of sandalwood. Touch your forehead and heart area with this while looking deeply into a crystal glass of pink springwater. The feeling will envelop you completely and you should surrender any tight, weepy memories. Imagine you are kissing a black, velvet rose, caressing your body with the ruby petals. Or… you may see a milky, pale rose with champagne petals. Let your eyelashes dance on them.

Whatever you go without, never deny yourself the intimacy of the rose, for a woman's spirit is made lighter and more desirous by the most loved of flowers. Its invisible rays of energy bless the face of the woman who adores it.

A second pleasure offered by the rose is its precious oil, possessing a bouquet of mesmerizing richness. You too can slip into an extravagant beauty bath as did the Egyptians and Persians, by adding a splash of pure rose oil as the warm water swirls around the tub. Sprinkle in a packet of non-fat milk crystals for extra pampering to dry skin. Float handfuls of newly picked rose petals (pesticide-free) for pleasure and fragrance. Unwind in this luxury and you will certainly notice your stress dipping. For rose-worshippers, melt with adoration before the haunting, true rose perfume "Evelyn" (Crabtree & Evelyn).

As a refresher buy a spray atomizer, wash and rinse. Fill with mineral water, a few drops of rose oil and shake. Mist yourself during tense moments –-- valuable at the office. When feeling ‘blue’, breathe in the glorious dew of roses either on a tissue or straight from the bottle. Rosewater as an ironing spray imparts a far-away feeling to linens.

Set up an altar to beauty, placing figurines of Aphrodite, mermaids, swans, nymphs and sirens. Add white, pink and red flowers for serenity and fire. As you expand your awareness of love you will notice a difference in your face… a softening; a certainty of strength. The blood of roses drenches the soul.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Zodiac Love Match – Can The Stars Be Right?

As a somewhat older gentleman (but still fairly good looking and somewhat romantic?) I have always enjoyed good relationships with the younger folk – Oh! The times I have been called upon over recent years to inspect and give an opinion on some poor new prospective boyfriend.

Of course, it is somewhat flattering to be consulted for such advice by pretty young females. However, my opinions and comment are based more upon my experienced knowledge of the devious thinking of younger males (I once was one) rather than any psychic ability.

I have always held a very open mind to most matters and my sideline interest in psychic and astrology subjects has been generated more as result of relationships with members of the fairer sex who dally in such areas.

More recently, with time on my hands due to health reasons I tended to read more on the subject and, in particular, that of the compatibility of people under their different zodiac signs. So, out of simple curiosity I conducted a simple experiment.

I prepared two lists on which I set down the names of numerous males and females that I had known over the years - friends, lover's, business etc.

I then noted alongside each name my relationship with that person as Excellent-Excellent Romantic-Good or Average. After this, I noted down where possible, each person’s birth date and Zodiac sign. I made many phone calls and researched many old dairies to complete this particular information.

An analysis of the lists threw up that, throughout my life, my most excellent relationships had been with Arian's, Leo's, Aquarian's, Geminis, Taurean's and Sagittarian's. Of these, my most Romantic 'Excellent relationships' had centred upon Leo's, Gemini's & Arian's plus, one very special sensual Scorpio.

Zodiac research indicated that the female Sagittarian offered the best compatibility choice for my sign of Aries; there were no Sagittarian female romances on my list of females.

There was however, one female at the beginning of my list. She dated way back to my lecherous youth and due to the haze of time I could not recall or remember her birthday.

As I sat one evening and reminisced back some 40 years to that time, I had to conclude, with a somewhat lecherous smile on my face, that this lady had to be the best and most exciting romantic relationship in my life to date. This was a young male older women relationship and a bit of a social no-no at that time. Might turn it into an Ebook one day entitled – 'Lady Sagittarian's Lover' or something similar.

My curiosity gained the better of me and I set to work to trace her and in time managed to locate her surviving son. From him I gained her birthday to discover she had indeed been a Sagittarian.

Can the stars be right? I don’t really know. I can say however that in my case, without doubt, that lovely Sagittarian lady of so long ago was indeed the most exciting romantic activity of my life to date.

Who knows, there may yet still be another fantastic Sagittarian girl out there for this optimistic older Arian? Although one of a little lesser vitality than that exciting Sagittarian princess of so long ago.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Aquarius Profile - Get to Know the Mysterious Sign

People under the Aquarius sign are probably the hardest to define. They change mood constantly and they always leave you wondering why they can change into one personality into another in a blink of an eye. They are eccentric and rebellious but the best part is, they are the friendliest, most original and independent thinking people of the world. The Aquarius profile is like a chameleon, forever changing to keep up with their standards and lifestyle, and sometimes, to protect themselves from too much emotion.

Although they can be quite the expressive and animated type, they can also tend to transform into the most rigid and insensitive mood. They can be insanely unpredictable but that's what keeps things interesting with an Aquarius --- they are hard to read and define, so expect a lot of spontaneity, impulsiveness and liveliness. However, they can also be the most sensitive beings, and they can get easily hurt by things like jealousy, being taken for granted, being left behind, being scolded at and being ignored. They love to be showered with attention and they have a strong need to feel secured and protected. Their mood swings can drive you crazy but be patient with them. They will come around I assure you.

Strictly speaking, the Aquarius is a very creative, very idealistic but rational sign. They tend to come up with grand ideas and schemes and make them come true. They love to pursue things that are impossible and are happiest when they reach their goals. They can also be quite adventurous and thrill-loving and they will do anything to make things work, no matter how blurry the options are. They love a challenge and for you to become a friend, you must work for it and earn their trust. In return, they will be forever loyal to you.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Full Story on Aquarius Tattoo Designs

Aquarius tattoo design is one of the designs that could be used to present deeper meaning to the one who has it and even to anybody who would see it. It could be worn to depict symbols that touch the meaning of lifestyle, culture and principles.

Aquarius tattoo design is one design you should choose to represent your character and qualities. The eleventh astrology sign in the Zodiac, Aquarius is portrayed as the water bearer. People who are born between January 21 and February 19 have Aquarius as their birth sign.

More than the meaning that Aquarius bears is the design subject itself that makes it very nice and tattoo inspiring. Whether or not you are born in the Aquarius period, you will be making a cool choice if you decide on having an Aquarius tattoo.

The designs are varied and aplenty. You can choose from a very simple to the very intricate and complex designs, however, you can always develop your own. To be born an Aquarius means you have creative talents.

Aquarius people are mystical and they prefer places that could offer them a peaceful environment. With these, blue and green colors are suitable for Aquarius designs. Usually associated with the Aquarius design is the image of a young man carrying a jug of water on his shoulders. A water droplet or two horizontal waves are considered symbols of Aquarius. A figure of water lily or orchid complementing your tattoo design would add to its good impressive design.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

When Does the Age of Aquarius Begin?

As a species, we are currently crossing from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. Although many people consider the Age of Pisces to begin at year 0 with the birth of Jesus with Aquarian Age beginning at 2000, most astronomers agree that the Age of Pisces actually begin in year 498 C.E., indicating entry into Aquarius in 2658 C.E.

Under the Age of Pisces we have seen the Piscean archetypes of sacrifice of the individual ego, universal love and compassion, assimilation, and the more negative projections of illusion, fantasy and delusion. Each astrological age has been represented by a deistic pantheon; the end of each age is marked by the ending of the worship of that pantheon. The Piscean Age has been marked by the growth of the three major monotheistic religions, each of which claims to be the only correct one, and the attempted dissolution of the individual ego.

As we move from the Piscean age into Aquarius, the awakener, we are being shown that the Emperor doesn't have any clothes, that any unreality upon which we have based our religious foundations will be shattered in the upcoming years. The ideas in The Da Vinci Code have been around for 2000 years, but they are only now erupting into the public awareness. What will this mean for humanity?

Understanding The Aquarius Woman

Understanding the Aquarius woman pretty much comes down to looking at the history of strong Aquarius women. Take Oprah Winfrey. She's a huge power in television and seems to have her hands in everything. On the personal front, she known to have only a few close friends. She has been with her partner, Stedman Graham, but has never married him. She is a bit of an extreme Aquarius woman, but gives you an idea of what I am talking about.

Can the Aquarius woman be in a committed relationship and dependent? Absolutely. Her sign is highly dependent not just on the zodiac, but the planet she was born under. If you want to find a more specific answer for the woman in your life, get a specific reading.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Are You Afraid Of Getting Fat?

Maybe you see yourself as a healthy woman with a good body image and no fear of getting fat. Perhaps you've even taken psychological tests that prove you have a good body image. Does having a good body image mean that you really have no fear of getting fat? According to Brigham Young University researchers, you may only fooling yourself when you profess to have a good body image.

A group of women who claimed to have no body image issues, and who were given standard psychological testing to prove that point, were understandably surprised when the results of MRI testing revealed that they may not be so sure of their body images. BYU researchers used MRI to determine what happened in the brain of the women who seemed to have good body images, when shown pictures of strangers, some of whom were overweight. The brains of these women reacted strongly when they were shown pictures of overweight women. The results showed clear anxiety about the overweight women, and fear about getting fat and seeing themselves in a less positive light.

This study was necessary to establish a point of reference among women who otherwise scored in the healthy range on eating disorder diagnostic testing. Although the women's reactions were far less significant than it was in women diagnosed with eating disorders, researchers determined that even so called healthy women have "sub-clinical" issues with body image.

The results of this study appear in the May issue of the psychological journal Personality and Individual Differences.

How do you see yourself? Do you fear that you'll gain weight? What do you feel when you see overweight people?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Aquarius Women

Like a typical Aquarius, an Aquarius woman also tends to be independent in all her activities. She wants her freedom, wherever she is. If she feels like she is being trapped, she will never come back to that place or to that person again. So, it's your responsibility not to try to control her with your affection. She will be committed for a life long period, and she sure will be faithful, but she won't be emotional. She cannot be an emotionally-bonded woman. She doesn't have any dreams like a normal woman; the only one thing she ever wanted is freedom. If you accept her for what she is, she will love you even more. More than anything, she gives importance to her position and power. So never try to underestimate her at anytime.

If you truly love her and wanted her to be with you always, be faithful to her, always. That is the only one thing she will expect from her relationship. She doesn't want you to obey her rules or follow her every word. She just wants you to be honest to her and be faithful to yourself. She is purely a party woman type. She is also an excellent host. Wherever she is present, that place will transfer into a party club. The people will be much delighted by her presence. There are times when she wants to be alone, to have her own time, without anyone disturbing her, at that time, we should not misunderstand her for her silence.

She will select her partner only after more scrutiny, and after that she will never doubt him. But if you betray her, she will never ever forgive you in her life period. If you are possessive by nature, never try to show her that possessiveness. She wants to be a free bird, not to be controlled by someone. Beware of that character.

You can have a nice conversation with an Aquarius woman for a long long time without boring. She can talk about everything in the world, and it won't be a dull talk. It will be a knowledge sharing between you two or sometimes it may be a good time pass. She will be a good mother if she opts to be. She will be a caring mother. She will be a great listener and she will have a good patience to bring them up. She would be happy to walk along them throughout their life by holding their hands.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Giving a birthstone to someone special as a gift means giving so much more than just a piece of jewellery. The ancient meanings associated with each of these birthstones make them extra-special, giving them a quality that is impossible to achieve with any other gem.

Whether you decide to give a birthstone ring, necklace earrings or any other piece of jewellery, you will always find stunning pieces where the precious metal and the birthstone complement one another perfectly. Birthstone jewellery makes a unique, beautiful, and affordable gift with real sentiment behind it.