“Rosehip oil is the first secret of bewitching skin --- consider it wine for your face.”
Seduce the Goddess in you by applying to your face the costly drops of rosehip oil, and be truly glad that you have discovered the opulence of the rose. Its petals bring to you not only passionately feminine fragrance, in the form of essential oil, but also soothing rose water to ease dry skin, and rose hip oil, which restores the vivaciousness of youthful skin.
Purchase a glass bottle of purest quality rosehip oil and glide it over your face two or three times a day over freshly washed skin. Refrain from applying cosmetics for a while if possible and encourage your mind to relax into beauty. At this same time you might wish to indulge further by using the essential oil as an emotional restorer and the rose water as a gentle lift for the complexion.
Blend almond oil with a few drops of rose and one drop of sandalwood. Touch your forehead and heart area with this while looking deeply into a crystal glass of pink springwater. The feeling will envelop you completely and you should surrender any tight, weepy memories. Imagine you are kissing a black, velvet rose, caressing your body with the ruby petals. Or… you may see a milky, pale rose with champagne petals. Let your eyelashes dance on them.
Whatever you go without, never deny yourself the intimacy of the rose, for a woman's spirit is made lighter and more desirous by the most loved of flowers. Its invisible rays of energy bless the face of the woman who adores it.
A second pleasure offered by the rose is its precious oil, possessing a bouquet of mesmerizing richness. You too can slip into an extravagant beauty bath as did the Egyptians and Persians, by adding a splash of pure rose oil as the warm water swirls around the tub. Sprinkle in a packet of non-fat milk crystals for extra pampering to dry skin. Float handfuls of newly picked rose petals (pesticide-free) for pleasure and fragrance. Unwind in this luxury and you will certainly notice your stress dipping. For rose-worshippers, melt with adoration before the haunting, true rose perfume "Evelyn" (Crabtree & Evelyn).
As a refresher buy a spray atomizer, wash and rinse. Fill with mineral water, a few drops of rose oil and shake. Mist yourself during tense moments –-- valuable at the office. When feeling ‘blue’, breathe in the glorious dew of roses either on a tissue or straight from the bottle. Rosewater as an ironing spray imparts a far-away feeling to linens.
Set up an altar to beauty, placing figurines of Aphrodite, mermaids, swans, nymphs and sirens. Add white, pink and red flowers for serenity and fire. As you expand your awareness of love you will notice a difference in your face… a softening; a certainty of strength. The blood of roses drenches the soul.